Simple air conditioning!

For some reason there's been spate of clients only wanting bottom sashes re-corded.
As I've said elsewhere before, to my mind it's a false economy, because when re-cording the bottom sash, the window is in bits anyway - and it would seem prudent to get both sashes working.
But what's really suprising is that many clients don't even realise that both sashes can work.
The great secret of sash windows is that they can provide the very best ventilation configuration of any window type - bar none.
A quick lesson in physics... Hot air rises... end of physics lesson.
Sash windows nearly always go all the way to the ceiling.... Hot air rises...
If you wanted to get rid of hot air, which window should you open?
Fresh cooler air comes in from below and stale warm air exits at the top...
It works because it obeys the law of physics. No great secret!
If you need your sash windows repaired renovated or restored -
 give me a call on 07930 335 937 or use the email link.